What is an Earth Stick?
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*Shipping is through USPS. Please watch your tracking to know when your package should/does arrive. It is terrible that we have to say this, but, Earth Sticks cannot be responsible for delivered packages that have been stolen. Consider having your order delivered to an address such as a work address or where someone will be home to accept the package.
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Interested in any products containing CBD? Copy and paste the link below!
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Essential oils are the medicines of the Earth. Nature has provided plant oils that have the natural ability to promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing by targeting specific body parts and systems without the use of chemical additives and toxins. Earth Sticks are hand-blended essential oils made into a solid stick, each with a different purpose. Because they are solid, there is no wasted or messy oils. Earth sticks are portable, they fit in a purse or pocket, so they are there when you need them. Sticks last a long time, so they are a great value!
If you are interested in any products containing CBD, visit getearthfix.com